There are seven popular ice shapes, each ice type has a different application.
Full Cubes
This is the most common shape of ice. If your fridge has an ice tray, you can make whole cubes of ice. Its shape makes it good for almost any type of drink. It’s also easier to make, which is why most bars, restaurants, fast food restaurants, and convenience stores use full-cubed ice for their drinks. Most ice vending machines and stores also make full cubes.
Depending on the size, the full-cube shape helps cool any drink quickly. Because of their size, they melt slowly, which is why they are a staple in the food service industry. Full cubes are also used for bulk bagging or cooling in commercial and industrial settings.
Half Cubes
As the name suggests, half cubes of ice are about half the size of full cubes. Some might even say that it looks a bit like a pat of butter.
Half-cube ice is easy to work with and mixes well with many drinks. They are also very simple to give out. Even though half-cube ice isn’t as popular as full cubes, the food service industry has embraced it. Many businesses have asked for ice that isn’t as big as a full cube but isn’t as small as ice flakes. Ice coffee and mixed cocktails are two drinks that are often made with half cubes.
Also called “Sonic” Ice, Pebble Ice, Pellet Ice, and Tubular Nugget Ice. Ice in the shape of nuggets is soft and easy to chew. One of the best things about this shape of ice is that it goes well with drinks. Any drink that is cooled and mixed with nugget ice will still taste the same.

This makes nugget-shaped ice great for places that serve food. Nugget ice doesn’t stick together and melts more slowly than other types of ice made by ice makers. Nugget ice is also great for drinks with carbonation, like soda, as well as mixed drinks. Some places also use nugget ice to keep food in salad bars and produce displays cold and fresh. Click here to see ice makers that make Nugget Ice.
This kind of ice is called half-moon ice because it looks like a half-moon. Because of its unique shape, drinks can easily flow over it. This kind of ice also doesn’t stick together very often. As a result, there is less drink splash and better drink displacement. Because it is smaller than other types of ice, you can store more of it in the ice bin.

Crescent ice is not as common as the others, but it can be used in many different ways. It can be used in a wide range of different situations. Use this kind of ice to keep drinks from spilling out of their containers. To make crescent ice, you need a machine that makes crescent ice.
Ice flakes are probably the most common type of ice other than ice cubes. They’re often used to make snow cones and other desserts with ice flakes. Ice flakes are also used in blended drinks because their soft, flaky texture makes it easier to blend.

People like this kind of ice because it looks nice and lasts a long time. Foods like meat, seafood, and vegetables that are on display are often kept cool and fresh with ice flakes.
Ice flakes are also good for displays because they usually last longer. Because of this, food displays stay fresher for longer and have more water in them. Because it can be packed into any shape, it is also the best way to transport food that will spoil quickly.

Gourmet ice cubes are used by high-end restaurants and caterers for banquets and other special events, as the name suggests. Because of its shape, drinks can keep their taste. It doesn’t water down drinks as quickly as other kinds of ice shapes.
Gourmet ice is smooth, almost clear, has no smell, and melts more slowly than other kinds of ice shapes. This kind of ice is in the shape of a shot glass, and when combined with the fact that it is clear, it looks very beautiful and striking. You can only make gourmet ice with a special machine.
Bullet ice looks a lot like a bullet, as the name suggests. It is usually shaped like a cylinder with a round tip at one end. It often has a hole in the middle, which lets it melt faster. This kind of ice is often found in self-service ice machines and commercial ice makers in hotels. Bullet ice is also called pearl ice, which is a good name for its color, which is usually cloudy or white all over.

Bullet ice is great for mixed drinks because it is often hollow. Because there is more surface area on the “inside” of the ice bullets, the ice melts evenly and quickly chills drinks. The smaller size is great for mixed drinks, just like half cubes. Bullet ice makers are also a good choice for soft drinks with carbonation and casual places where a little cloudiness isn’t a big deal.
Those are the popular ice shapes which produce by different ice makers in the market.