Does the ice maker in your Samsung fridge no longer make ice, or is the ice bucket stuck? This can happen when frost and ice build up on the fan inside the ice maker. Don’t worry though, it’s easy to fix. To defrost your Samsung ice maker, unplug the fridge and leave the door open until the ice melts. You can also force it to defrost by pressing a series of buttons on the panel that shows what’s going on. Or, press the “Test” button on the ice maker to reset it.
How To Defrost Samsung Ice Maker
1. Prepare The Ice Maker for Defrost
If you don’t mind waiting for hours, you can use this method to defrost the ice maker in your Samsung fridge. However, if you are looking for a simpler and faster approach, go straight to step 3.
Before you start, put a towel or rug under the unit and empty the ice bucket and freezer. So that water from melting ice and frost doesn’t leak out. If your ice maker isn’t making ice, you can try to fix it by letting it warm up.
But since Samsung ice makers don’t have “defrost buttons,” the best thing to do is to defrost the whole unit.
And you can do that by turning off the power to the fridge. And leaving the door of the fridge open to melt the ice. If you can’t get to the refrigerator’s plug, find its circuit breaker. Either by the unit or on the main breaker box. Then turn off the switch. “Why do we need this?” You can’t defrost your fridge by hand while it’s on. So, to start the defrosting and resetting process, you have to turn off the power.
It can take anywhere from 2 to 4 hours, depending on how thick the ice is. So, try this method when you have little or no food in your fridge to keep it from going bad. Imagine that you have food in the freezer. Put it in plates to keep it from spilling and put it in a cooler. Put ice cubes or ice packs on it to help it last longer. Before putting dry things like vegetables in a container, wrap them in food plastic wrap.
After turning off the power to the fridge, leave the door open. This must be done so that warm air can get into the unit. And help melt the ice that builds up on the ice maker and the freezer. How? When warm air meets cool air from the refrigerator, it turns into water. And that water helps melt the ice that is making the problem worse. You might have to move the fridge a bit to get its doors to open all the way. This is enough to defrost your appliance by itself. But moving on to the next step will speed up the process.
2. Use a hairdryer, a fan, or bowls of boiling water
Put a fan in front of the fridge next. Put it right in front of the machine that makes ice. You can help melt the ice by using a stand fan or an electric hand fan. Just make sure that the fan can keep running for a few hours. Or, you can put bowls of boiling water on the shelves near the walls. Here are some things to keep in mind as you do it:
- Close the doors of the fridge.
- Every 10 minutes, add more boiling water.
- Put a towel under the bowls to keep the shelves from getting scratched.
You can also use a hairdryer to melt the ice and frost that has built up on the ice maker. But only use it as a backup, since too much warm air can hurt your unit. After that, don’t touch your Samsung fridge again until all the ice melts. If defrosting by hand takes too long, you could try defrosting your appliance by force. Step 3 tells you how to do it.
3. Access Samsung’s force defrost mode
This is done with the refrigerator turned on. Some Samsung fridge models need you to hold down the “Fridge” and “Energy Saver” buttons for 8 to 12 seconds. Or until the display panel turns black and a chime sounds. This sound tells that the appliance is in “Test Mode.”
This combination of buttons differs depending on the type of your refrigerator. So, check your product handbook to discover which one applies to your equipment.
Listed below are some examples
“Lighting” + “Freezer.” |
“Flex Zone” + “Fridge.” |
“Fridge” + “Power Save.” |
“Freezer” + “Cool Select.” |
“Control Lock” + “Freezer.” |
When you hear the bell, you can let go of the buttons. Then, press any button once on the screen. It could also be one of the first two buttons you hit. Once this is done, a list of options called Samsung’s “Forced Mode System” will appear on the screen. When you see the “Fd,” you’ll know you’re on the right path. Press the same button twice or three times to move through the options. Or until the Fd option has been chosen. Imagine that pressing the same button didn’t do anything. Try the other button that you have already pushed. When you choose Fd on your Samsung fridge, it will make a long beep. This means that the appliance is being defrosted by force. And this can take up to five minutes.
Repeat this step as many times as you need to. Or as long as frost and ice build up on the ice maker and its fan.
Reset the fridge and Clean the ice maker
Restart your refrigerator once the beeping has ceased and the ice accumulations have been removed. This helps to get its condenser as well as its compressor back up and functioning again. Additionally, it reboots the system that controls the ice machine. Therefore, it is extremely important that you do not neglect this step. The following is a walkthrough for resetting a Samsung refrigerator:
- Remove the plug from the appliance.
- Hold tight for approximately 5 minutes.
After waiting for 5 minutes, you are required to plug the refrigerator back in and turn it on. However, because you are investigating issues with the ice maker, you should make sure to check on that first.
The reason is, Even after the appliance has been completely defrosted, there is still some water on the ice maker. Even while this is not in any way dangerous, it may have an impact on the quality of the ice cubes that are produced by your refrigerator.
After that, wipe down your Samsung ice maker and let it dry completely. To accomplish this:
- Press the tab on the ice maker to turn it off.
- Bring the ice bucket out.
- Use a clean cotton towel to wipe and dry it.
- Check the spaces between the ice maker and the ice dispenser.
- Put the ice bucket back where it belongs.
Turn ON your appliance
Last, plug your fridge back in to get it working again. After you’ve plugged it back in, check to see if:
- The light inside the fridge is on.
- Cool air is coming out of the vents.
- All of the buttons on the control panel work.
- All of the panel’s LED backlights work.
- The fan motor, compressor, and condenser are all running.
If it does, you’ve done a good job of defrosting your Samsung ice maker. And you can now use it like you used to. If some parts don’t work, you may need to reset your refrigerator.